Ext​ending forward th​e message of love through helping, caring, comforting and serving others.

Lay Pastoral Minister with
The Community Catholic Church of Canada
* Over 42 years in Emergency Medical Services serving the County of
Perth as Acting Deputy Chief and Commander for Perth County
Paramedic Services
* Chaplain for the Town of St.Marys Fire Department
* Pastoral/Chaplain for Tri County Mennonite Homes - Greenwood
Court, Stratford
* Part time staff member of Andrew Hodges Funeral Home, St.Marys
* Dependable, knowledgeable, honest, great sense of humour and a long serving member of many community groups.
* Born and raised in St.Marys
* Summer in Bruce County, Sauble Beach

PHONE: 1-519-301-2925 EMAIL: jsager62@gmail.com
The First Sacrament - Baptism
As a Lay Pastoral Minister I am able to sanctify the ceremony of Baptism to anyone, child or adult.
Baptisms usually occur within the Church but I can offer within your home, even a special location,
for one or more persons.
Costs are reflected upon type of service, location and number of persons involved.
As a Wedding Officiant I provide couples the following:
- Creation of a ceremony that will launch your experience with love and all of its fullness
- Guidance to make your day special whether it be a Wedding, an Elopement or your Renewal of Vows
- All weddings - Religious/non religious, any denomination, same sex couples
- I have a Certificate of registration with the Province of Ontario under the Marriage Act, RSO
- Meeting with you as a couple prior to your set wedding date
- Attendance at Rehearsal if needed ($150.)
- Direction and organization prior, wedding and post wedding of the wedding party and guests
- Reasonable pricing - Travel (outside of Perth County) is $50./hr. - includes gas/time
- Weddings $375..
- Elopement $250. (Two witnesses provided by the couple)
- Renewal of vows $300.
- Destination weddings - cost of travel and accommodations
- 50% non refundable retainer for any of the above
As a Funeral Officiant I provide the following:
Offer comfort and support to a grieving family
Present a service that captures the essence of their loved one
Assist in the healing process through their words and presence
Any funeral - Religious/non religious, Alternative
Graveside service or interment
Celebrations of Life
Allow participants a chance to grieve, remember and hear a message of hope and meaning
Funeral costs vary as to the charge by the Funeral home